Job Linked Training:
SERD Department works in close liaison with Government and Non-Government Organizations in the field of Employment and Livelihood of Persons with Speech and Hearing Disabilities and participate in job linked training programme by way of referring candidates and providing support services to the training organizations.
Job linked training cum placement are done by various Government and Non-Government Organizations based on Client’s interest, aptitude and skills.

Vocational /Skill Training:
The Department conducts Skill training program for Persons with Hearing Disabilities at 3 levels such as In-house Skill Training, Skill Development Program through Empaneled Training partners & Referral Services.
The department provides upgraded vocational training to the persons with hearing impairment in the field of Computer Applications like Certificate Course in Computer Software ( 1 Year) , Desk Top Publishing (6 Months) & Basic Animation ( 6 Months ) .All the courses are recognized by Maharashtra State Board of Vocational Examination. The entry qualifications for admission to the course on Desk Top Publishing and Software is SSC and that of the Course on Basic Animation is HSC. The session commences in the month of January and July. The course is offered Free of Cost.
Vocational /Skill Inclusive Center Training:
The institute also imparts Skill Training at ITI level through its extension centers namely Training Center for the Adult Deaf, Hyderabad, wherein 100 Persons with Hearing Disabilities undergo ITI level training (TCAD) program along with their 350 counter parts.
The program is conducted in collaboration with Boys Town an NGO. The boarding Lodging and training expenses for the Persons with Hearing Disabilities are borne by AYJNISHD.
The Institute is entrusted with responsibility to conduct Skill program for Persons with Disabilities through Training Partners empaneled by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under SIPDA scheme. Annually 3000 Persons with Disabilities are skilled through this activity. The Program is conducted across the country.
Other Vocational Training centers:
National Career Service Centers For Differently Abled (Erstwhile Vocational Rehabilitation Centers for Handicapped)
For details please check following links:
1.Portal of the National Career Service, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Govt. Of India,
2.Portal of the Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department, Government of Maharashtra
3.Link for Demonstrative Video prepared by SERD on How to Register and Search Jobs in above two websites is given below
Department of Socio-Economic Rehabilitation of AYJNISHD provides the services of vocational guidance to persons with speech and hearing impairment. It is a continuous process to provide educational and occupational information, which are unknown to the persons with speech and hearing impairment. It assists an individual with hearing loss for solving the problems of career options based on his aptitude, interest, skills and employment opportunities. The process includes-
Orientation: It helps individual with speech and hearing impairment to adapt the new environment for building professional relationship between the individual and Vocational Counsellor. Interview: The individual with speech and hearing impairment is requested to provide the information related to his/her personal, educational, social, economical and family status. Tests: Various psychological tests are conducted to find interests, abilities and aptitude of the individual with hearing loss. Analysis: The individual with speech and hearing impairment is analyzed based on education, occupation, experience, competence, aptitude, interest and financial resources. Counseling: Counseling is done to choose appropriate career. Vocational Training: After selection of Trades suitable for persons with speech and hearing impairment, the candidates with hearing impairment are trained as skilled individual. Job Placement: The candidates are placed in the job market as per the requirement. Follow up: The individual with hearing impairment is advised to be in regular contact with the Vocational Counsellor for better adjustment at the new environment. Termination: After ascertaining that the individual is adjusted with the new environment, he/she is terminated from the vocational guidance programme. However, he/she is advised to contact if further guidance is required.