Autism Speech therapy Home Activity

: “Picture Communication Cards”

Objective: To improve communication skills and promote expressive language in individuals with autism.

Materials Needed:

  1. Colored index cards or cardstock
  2. Markers or colored pencils
  3. Pictures or symbols representing everyday objects, actions, or emotions
  4. Velcro dots or adhesive putty
  5. Large poster board or foam board


  1. Select Relevant Pictures:
    • Gather pictures or symbols that represent common objects, actions, and emotions. You can find these in picture books, online resources, or create simple drawings yourself.
  2. Create Communication Cards:
    • Cut the index cards or cardstock into smaller, manageable sizes.
    • On each card, draw or attach a picture or symbol. Use bold and clear lines to make the images easily recognizable.
  3. Categorize Cards:
    • Sort the cards into categories, such as “Food,” “Activities,” “Feelings,” etc. This helps in organizing the activity and targeting specific communication goals.
  4. Prepare the Display Board:
    • Attach Velcro dots or adhesive putty to the back of each card.
    • Create a large display board using the poster board or foam board. Divide the board into sections corresponding to the chosen categories.
  5. Engage in Communication:
    • During the session, present the individual with a specific category or a mix of categories.
    • Encourage the individual to select a card that represents what they want to express or discuss.
    • Once a card is chosen, help the individual articulate their thoughts or feelings related to the selected card.

  6. Expand Vocabulary:
    • Introduce new words related to the chosen cards. For example, if the individual selects a card with a picture of a ball, discuss words like “bounce,” “roll,” or “play.”
  7. Role Play:
    • Use the chosen cards to create short scenarios or sentences. Encourage the individual to act out or verbalize the scenario using the cards.
  8. Encourage Social Interaction:
    • If in a group setting, promote interaction by having individuals take turns choosing and discussing cards. This fosters communication and social skills.
  9. Reinforce Positive Communication:
    • Provide positive reinforcement and praise when the individual effectively uses the communication cards. This helps build confidence and motivation.
  10. Homework Extension:
    • As a follow-up, suggest using the communication cards at home with family members to reinforce the skills learned during the session.

Remember to tailor the activity to the individual’s specific needs and preferences. This interactive and visual approach aims to make speech therapy enjoyable while promoting language development in individuals with autism.

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